Time Travel
This body of work was inspired by a treasure of fifty to sixty year old family movie reels. Painting memories documented in the moving images transforms the grief and allows for interaction with lives no longer present. An appreciation of time occurs as we can look both forwards and backwards yet remain present. The sting of the relentless march of time came into focus as the artist reflected on the childhood of his now adult children.
The undefined lines and gestalt reflect the fleeting nature of recall, the movement of the image, and the efforts to push and pull and capture the memory and grapple with time. The result inspires a more universal experience that asks us all to complete and animate the memory. The intention is not to fix or memorialize time but instead excavate a specific memory, perpetuating movement, and inviting participation. The work depicts the slippery efforts of the mind's eye to pause and preserve disintegrating memories. The contemporary color palette represents the modern mind breathing life back into an image obscured by time's patina.
Opening doors to the memories of others, both familiar and foreign provides room for the work to expand beyond nostalgia. Exploring unfamiliar images allows room for interpretation and injected narratives. The stories woven into the lives of strangers are filled with mystery, fantasy and humor. Often unrelated figures from multiple photos are combined to create new, otherworldly tales. It serves as an opportunity to connect with others, finding familiar strings holding us together.